Our September outing was hosted by Karl & Kathy Soliday. On Saturday, the 21st, we joined together
at their house for their annual B-B-Cruise. This made the 10th year they have done it, and as usual it was a great success.
Several of us were able to get together for this and were able to see their new house for the first time. A special "Thank
You" go the Karl & Kathie for the time we were able to kick back and enjoy club time !
Our August outing was hosted by Jackie Christian. On Saturday the 17th we met at the Station at 66/33
junction just west of Sapulpa. There we had our pictures taken for the new owners to display in their station. What an honor
!! From there we headed west down old Highway 66 to Chandler to the take a tour of The Lincoln County Historical Society.
They had a lot of old things that was very interesting to see. After we left there we saw the old filling station just down
the street. Then we were off again heading east on 66 going back to Stroud to have lunch at the famous Rock Cafe. We always
enjoy going back to this place. A good time was had by all. We would like to give a big "Thank You" to Jackie for the great

Our July outing was hosted by Lonnie & Kelly Sherry. On Saturday, July 27th the club met up at the
local Braum's and headed south to McAlester where they had lunch at an Italian restaurant called Pete's. A great time was
had by all. A special "Thank You" go to Lonnie & Kelly for taking the club on a cruise.
Our June outing was hosted by J.D. & Tracy Duggan. On Saturday, June 29th we headed to Perkins to
see the Iowa Tribe's Grey Snow Eagle House. This is where all the rescued eagles are brought to possibly be healed
and released back to nature. This was a real interesting place, if you have never been there, go check it out !! From there
we headed to Ripley to take a tour of Rick Kirk's Ford museum and work place. Another very interesting place. After there
we went to Stillwater to eat a Mexico Joe's to finish out the day. We all had a nice time and enjoyed all the interesting
things that we saw. A special "Thank You" go to J.D. & Tracy

A real 1966 Cobra !! |

Our May outing was hosted by Coleman Young. On Tuesday, June 4th we met at the old restored filling station
on Water & Lee in Sapulpa. There we once again took individual and group pictures of all the members cars and especially
those members that are new. We had a lot of cameras going and got a lot of great shots. After we left there we went down to
Braum's for an ice cream social. A special "Thank You" to Coleman for arranging for us to be able to use the old station.

Our April outing was hosted by Rick & Debbie Selsor. On Saturday the 27th they met at Q-trip and headed
south into Muskogee. There they stopped for lunch at "My Place BBQ". After lunch they drove through Honor Heights Park to
see all the beautiful azalea's. Later they had an appointment to tour the Ft. Gibson Historic site. They were able to see
a lot of interesting things here. After leaving there, some of them went down the road to the National Cemetery. This is an
awesome place. A good time was had by all. A special "Thank You" go to Rick & Debbie for their time in preparing this
outing for the club. They are some of our newest members !!

Our March outing was hosted by Elbert & Tina Polk. On Saturday the 16th we headed west out of town on
Route 66 to Davenport. There we enjoyed a great Bar-B-Que buffet @ Dan's. From there we traveled on down to Chandler to Jerry's
Route 66 Gallery. After seeing all the beautiful artwork we then traveled south to Shawnee. There we toured through the Santa
Fe Depot & Museum. Saw some very interesting things. Traveling west from there we ended up at Clifton Hill's Auto Museum.
We saw a hugh collection of older cars. As we were leaving one of the cars had some problems and all of the men gathered around
it and worked as a team to fix it.....that is what this club is all about !!!! A special "Thank You" to Larry who came all
the way from Sapulpa with his trailer to the rescue !!!!

Our January outing was hosted by Richard & Sue Johnson. On Saturday, the 19th we went to Sahoma Lanes
for some fun time of bowling. There were several of us that was able to go and everyone seemed to have a good time. We
had some new members that were able to join us this year. A special "Thank You" go to Richard & Sue for planning this
outing for the club. This is their annual outing for us. So much fun !!!!

Our December outing was hosted by James & Peggy Titus. This outing is our annual Christmas party at
their church on Lexington Road in Sapulpa. This year it was held on Friday, December the 7th. We gathered for our feast of
many goodies and then on to play our "Dirty Santa" game. We had a good turnout this year and as usual everyone had a good
time. A special "Thank You" to James & Peggy for all of their hard work to make this so special.

Our November outing was hosted by Elbert & Tina Polk. On Saturday, the 10th we left Sapulpa theater
heading out on Route 66 to Catoosa. There we had the priveledge to take a tour of Ugly John's car museum. So many interesting
things to see. You gotta go see this one. From there it was back on 66 to the Nut House for lunch. From there it was down
the road to the huge totum pole. Now this also was a sight to see. Everyone had a really nice time and there was a great turn
out. A special "Thank You" go to Elbert & Tina for this great outing.

Our October outing was hosted by Bill & Roberta Nevels. On Friday, the 26th we again went to their house
for our annual fall outing. Such a good time of the year to stand by the open fire and share stories. Always such great food.
Being able to dress up in costumes is just a part of all the fun. A special "Thank You" to them for opening their home once
again for this special occassion.
On Tuesday, September 18th we had a special outing that was planned by Richard & Sue Johnson. We met
in Sand Springs to have dinner at Cresant Cafe. From there we headed south to Bruce Ricks personal garage. There were alot
of really nice cars there. The nicest one was the 2011 Riddler Winner, it was a 1956 Ford Suncammer. We felt very blessed
to be able to see these beauties. A special "Thank You" to Rick for allowing us in & to Richard for setting this
up !!!!

Our September outing was hosted by Karl & Kathy Soliday. On Saturday the 15th we met at Spaghetti Warehouse
in Tulsa for a nice dinner. After that a trip was taked down the street to the "Center of the Universe" This is in downtown
Tulsa and a very interesting place. Go check it out if you have never been there....Your voice will echo back to you.

Our July outing was hosted by Elberrt & Tina Polk. We met out on old Route 66 just west of Sapulpa on
July 14th. We headed further west on turnpike. We got off and went to Warwick to the Seaba Station Museum. It is a really
neat motorcycle museum. Lots of old stuff in there. One of our members even found the oldest outhouse ever and sat down to
contemplate our next move. From there we went back to Chandler to the Route 66 Interpretive Center. A couple members decided
it was time to take a rest while there. From there we traveled on down to B's restaurant for lunch. There were several that
attended and a good time was had by all. On our way back, most of us came down Route 66. A "Special Thank You " go to Elbert
& Tina for planning this cruise.

Our June outing was hosted by Floyd & Phyllis McMann. On June 30th, the club gathered at their house
for hamburgers & hot dogs. Side dishes were provided that made a excellent meal. There was games that
was played after the meal. The heat kept some from fishing in the pond. Despite the heat, a good time was had by all. A great
big "Thank You" go to Floyd & Phyllis for sharing their home with the club !!
Our May outing was hosted by Jim & Carol Hunter. On Saturday the 19th we left Sapulpa and; headed west
on Route 66. Our first stop was at Ollie's restaurant in Tulsa ffor breakfast. There we took in all the sights of toy trains
throughout the building. After leaving there, we continued on down 66 to the train that was recently placed on Southwest Blvd.
We gathered for a few minutes for some lost memories and pictures. From there, some us went on to the Tulsa Historical Society
to catch all the new displays. It was a nice day to get out and enjoy the weather. A big "Thank You" go to Jim & Carol
for taking us out for a good cruise.

Our April outing was hosted by Larry & Mary Jo Stansbury. on the 28th we headed south to Muskogee. Upon
arriving there we stopped at Hamlin's, a mexican restaurant, for lunch. After leaving there we went to Honor Heights park
where the azaleas are usually in bloom. We enjoyed the time in the park to just hang out and visit. A great big "Thank You"
go to Larry & Mary Jo for taking us on a nice cruise.

This outing was hosted by Elbert & Tina Polk. We met at the Sapulpa
theater on March 17th to head East to Inola. After arriving in Inola we went to Fuller's Auto & Gas Museum. There we saw
many interesting things. I heard several people commit on the old spark plug. If you ever get some free time...go check it
out. After we left there we went to Ramona's restaurant for some authentic mexican food. We were able to sing "Happy Birthday"
to our host while a live band played the song. After we finished eating we then made a trip down to Newt Graham Lock &
Dam on the McClellan-Kerr Navagation System. We missed seeing a barge come through but it was still very interesting to see.
We would like to send out a great big "Thank You" to Elbert & Tina for taking us out to enjoy the day.

Our February outing was hosted by J.D. & Tracy Duggan. On Saturday, the 18th, we met at the Sapulpa
theater and headed west to 61st & Mingo.We arrived at Brother Houglins for an evening of greata food and fun. Sorry if
you missed this outing since the food was excellent. A great big "Thank You" go to our newest members for proving this wonderful
Our January outing was hosted by Richard & Sue Johnson. On Saturday, January 21st, the club met at Sahoma
Lanes for their annual outing at the bowling alley. We usually try to go at least once a year. Everyone had a great time and
look forward to doing it again. A great big "Thank You" go to Richard & Sue for hosting the first outing of the year.

On Friday, December 9th, we met at Lexington Family Church for our annual Christmas party. The club provided
the meat and all the members supplied side dishes and desserts to finish out the meal. We also played our famous "Dirty Santa"
game which is always a blast. Some of the new members caught on real fast. There were special awards given out by our President
& his wife. We are blessed to be able to share this time together at such an important season. A special "Thank You" go
to James & Peggy Titus and their church for allowing us the opportunity to share this time together. We would like to
say we all wish you & your family a blessed Holiday.

Our October outing was hosted by Bill & Roberta Nevels. Again they opened up their home for the annual
fall festival. They provided all the hotdogs & chili while the rest of the members brought in side dishes. Even though
Bill felt under the weather he managed to get a bon-fire going. Roberta again had her spook walk all set up. They always do
such a good job and again we would like to say a big "Thank You" to them.

Our September outing was hosted by Karl & Kathy Soliday. On Saturday, September 10th, they hosted their
9th annual Bar-B-Kruise at their house in Owasso. They provided the excellent pulled pork and brisket. The club members brought
in side dishes to complete the meal. It was a beautiful day that gave us all a chance to gather around to have a nice
meal & sit back for some car talk. A great time was had by all those who attended. A special "Thank You" to
Karl & Kathy for opening up their home for us all to enjoy.

Our July outing was hosted by Floyd McCann & Phyllis Slater. On Saturday, July 30th we met at the
parking lot at Sapulpa High School. We traveled west down "Route 66" toward Tulsa. We arrived at the Blue Rose Cafe on Riverside
Drive. There we had a fantastic meal on the river bank. There was live music for people to enjoy. We had a real good turnout.
A big "Thank You" to Floyd & Phyllis for the enjoyable evening.

Our June outing was hosted by Karl & Kathy Soliday. On June 18th a trip to Owasso was planned.
A trip to the IHOP was secheduled to show off our classics with other classics from around the area. Several of our members
were able to go on this outing. It was a great time. This is a weekly event on Saturday nights if you think you would like
to attend. A big "Thank You" to Karl & Kathy for planning such an event.
On June 4th, most of the club went downtown Sapulpa for their 22nd annual Blowout. We had done this for
show for years until a few years ago. Well we were back in force this year for the judging. Sapulpa Chamber had asked us to
judge the cars as that is what we do well and fair ! There were around 300 cars that entered. It is always one of the
biggest shows around. We usually have people from out of state attending this annual show.

On Tuesday, May 17th, some of the members went to Sand Springs for their Concert on the Triangle. We had
been invited again this year by the Chamber to be their guest. We listened to "Mid Life Crisis" band. It was a great band
that played alot of the older songs that most of us are used to. It was a enjoyable evening. If you haven't been there yet
you still have time to attend. They will do it on the 3rd Tuesday for the next 3 months.

On Saturday, May 14th, the Dragin Masters met at the Cinema Theater in Sapulpa to take a cruise down Route
66/144 to Catoosa. Our host for this cruise was Elbert & Tina Polk. Our first stop was at the "DW Correll Museum"
where we saw many older cars and many other interesting things. Our next stop took us to the "Blue Whale". This whale that
was built for an anniversery gift had recently been restored. The place is coming back to life and will be great when finished.
The last stop took us to "The Nut House". I think we found a few "Nuts" (maybe amongst us) there !!!! We had a real nice lunch
after browsing in the shop. All that went had a real nice time. A big "Thank You" go to Elbert & Tina for this nice
time together.

April 21-23 the Dragin Masters participated in the annual Swap Meet at the Fairgrounds in Sapulpa. We had
all donated items to be sold. We also had a 50/50 pot. All of the proceeds from this sale will be going to sponsor our charities
that we help out each year. Those charities are DVIS & Caring Hands of Sapulpa. It is an honor to be able to donate to
these charities. A great big "Thank You" to everyone for their help in accompling this task.

The April outing was a trip to Oklahoma City for the annual NRSA car show. We had one winner who was
chosen for the Safety Pick award. It was Karl Soliday with his '57 Chevy Nomad...... Job well done !!!!
Our March outing was hosted by Jim & Carol Hunter. On Saturday the 12th the club met at the Fastop on
66/33 junction. From there they headed West on Highway 66 to Bristow. Their first stop was at Bristow Christian Center
for an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet. It is always so good. From there some of them continued back down the street to the
casino. You win some, you lose some !!!!! A special "Thank you" to Jim & Carol for a good time.

Our February outing was hosted by Richard & Sue Johnson. On the 12th the club gathered at Sahoma Lanes
for the annual first of the year outing. There was a good turnout since people were ready to get the new year started out
right. Everyone that attended had a blast. A great big "Thank You" go to Richard & Sue for hosting this outing.
On Thursday, December 2nd the club gathered at the Lexington Rd. Family Church for our annual Christmas
party. Meat was purchased by the club and the members brought in side dishes and deserts to finish out the banquet. The church
supplied coffee and tea. Of course it wouldn't be a fun year without the "Dirty Santa" game we play each year. There were
quite a few surprises and the new members were in for a laugh. Everyone really enjoyed the fellowship at this most important
time of year. Of course we were blessed to have James & Peggy Titus share their home church for this occasion. A very
big "Thank You" go out to them and the church.

On Sunday, November 7th the car club was invited by Eldon & Judy Haggard to a Fall festival sponsored
by Olivet Baptist Church. It was held at the city park in Sand Springs, down by the river. This church put on a great festival
with free coats to the needy. There was pony rides and all kinds of fun things for the children. Free hot dogs & popcorn
too !!!! What an enjoyable day for such a good cause. Watch for it next year and go enjoy.

Our November outing was hosted by Bill & Roberta Nevels at their home. We met on October the 29th for
a Spooktacular event. Roberta had gone all out in preparing a fall meal for the club. Members brought side dishes to add to
the event. Some of our members dressed up for the occasion. We all enjoyed a fun filled evening. A big "Thank You" to Bill
& Roberta for allowing us into their home.

Our October outing was hosted by Karl & Kathy Soliday. On Saturday the 9th we went to their home in
Owasso for the annual Bar-B-Kruise. This has taken place 8 or 9 years now. Everyone comes with a side dish to add
to the wonderful Bar-B-Q that they serve. This year the weather was so nice and it gave us all a chance to sit around outside
and enjoy it. Our many thanks to Karl & Kathy for opening up their home to us all !!!! What a great time.

Our September outing was hosted by Jim & Carol Hunter. On the 11th some of the members met just outside
of Sapulpa at the 66-33 junction. From there they traveled down historic Route 66 heading to Bristow. Upon arriving there
they went into the Bristow Christian Center where they enjoyed a breakfast buffet fit for a King. After leaving there
some of them chose to go to Creek Nation Casino for some extra fun. I won't mention the outcome of this excursion !!!! A very
special Thank You to Jim & Carol for such an enjoyable cruise with the classics.

On Tuesday, August 17th, some of our members went to Sand Springs. We had been invited to be a host at
their monthy summer music fest. We listened to a band called the Mid Life Crisis. It was a real good band that took us into
the past with some of the old classics that most of us were raised with. The weather had cooled down and we had a very pleasant
evening. If you have never been to Sand Springs to their music fest, then you need to check it out.

Our June outing was hosted by Floyd McCann & Phyllis Slater. Floyd had taken his RV to Salt
Creek on Lake Keystone. So on June 26th we all went up there for a cookout of hamburgers & hotdogs. We also had all
the trimming & side dishes. It was a real enjoyable day with a nice breeze off the water. I think everyone had a
good time. A special "Thank You" to Floyd & Phyllis for a pleasant outing.

Our May outing was hosted by Jerry & Lisa McCaskey. On May 8th the club met at the Fastop on 33-66 junction
just outside of Sapulpa. They headed west on Route 66 going close to Seminole. They arrived at Kinslows Catfish Restaurant
to enjoy an afternoon meal. It gave them time to kick back and catch up on all the latest. A big "Thank You" to Jerry &
Lisa for a nice cruise.
Our April outing was hosted by George & Carol Seals. On the week-end of April 9-11 some of out members
went to Oklahoma City for the NSRA car show. This car show along with all the others has grown in size. There were a
lot of beautiful restored cars. Our members had a nice time and the weather was perfect. Wh had a couple of winners too. They
were Bill Nevels for Pavement Pounders & Richard Johnson for Safety Rep. Pick. Congratulations to our winners in this
show. A special "Thank You" to George & Carol for hosting this special occasion.

March outing was hosted by Elbert & Tina Polk. On Saturday the 13th, we headed down Route 66 out of
Sapulpa on our way to Tulsa. After a short cruise we arrived at Inverness Village where we put on a car show for the residents,
friends & family. The reception was great. I think seeing some of the older cars brought back a few moments in time for
the residents. They were so generous in feeding us hamburgers, hotdogs & all the trimmings. A special "Thank You" to Elbert
& Tina for a day well spent.


The February outing was hosted by James & Peggy Titus. Some of our members took their cars to the Darryl
Starbird car show. The car show was held in the IPE building in Tulsa...February 19-21. There were hundreds of cars from all
around that enter this show. Very tough classes to compete in. It is with great pleasure to say that we did have winners this
year. Those winning were James Titus & Eldon Haggard (Classic Chevy)....Bill Nevels (Fatfender Rod)....Ben Nevels (Ratpack
Truck). Also James Titus won statment award for "Workmanship". Congratulations to all the guys for a job well done!

A "Big" congratulations goes to Mary Jo Stansbury. She was voted "Volunteer of the Year" by the Sapulpa
Chamber of Commerce. I know that she has done alot to earn this award and the car club is very proud to acknowledge her as
one of our members !!
Our January outing was hosted by Richard & Sue Johnson. On Januray 23rd the club went to Sahoma Lanes
bowling alley. There we enjoyed an afternoon of bowling. There was some pretty good scores that was bowled by some of the
members. I think there might be a few sore muscles after this outing.....Everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves. A big
"Thank You" go to Richard & Sue for motivating the club to get out after all the cold weather that has kept everyone indoors.

On Friday, December 4th, we gathered at Lexington Rd. Family church for our annual Christmas Party. Meat
was brought in from Rib Crib while the members supplied all the goodies to finish out the meal. There was plenty of food and
deserts to go around for everyone. We did our unforgettable "Dirty Santa" exchange. Everyone had a great time. A special "Thank
You" to James & Peggy Titus for allowing us into their church to celebrate such a joyful occasion.

Our host for the November outing was Larry & Mary Jo Stansbury. On Friday the 20th we arrived at their
house for a night of jun. First on the list was the fantastic meal of pulled pork & brisket with all the trimmings. Then
came the bunco games which all the girls were really excited about since some of them already play. We even had some of the
men get into the exciting game. Those that did play really seemed to enjoy it. The rest of the men followed Larry to the garage
full of classic vehicles. It seems like they kicked tires for quite awhile. It was a fun night for all that attended. A special
"Thank You" to Larry & Mary Jo for inviting us into their home.

Our October outing was held on Friday, the 23rd at Bill & Roberts Nevels house. Despite the cool weather
we really had a agood turnout. There was a bonfire outside warm by. We even got a tour through the woods to see the spook
trail. Hamburgers & hotdogs were served with all the trimmings. There were plenty of deserts. Several members chose to
dress in costumes for the occasion. Two trophies were presented for the best dressed and they went to Ben Nevels & Jim
Hunter. A special "Thank You" goes to Bill & Roberta for all the work they put fortth to make this a special TREAT....
